Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Numéro Trois

I want this tattooed!

Hey shitbags. many things to share (lol jk, boring life)

Well, I broke up with my boyfriend, he didn't take it too well, but I'm beyond giving a shit.

I had my Sixth Form induction day today, can't wait to be able to do what I want! I've dropped Art, no matter how much I love it, I hate it as a subject. I hate the idea of someone grading your self expression (how twatty do I sound!) so I hope that if I do go into anything arty, they'll just accept a portfolio.

I met a girl today with THE nicest hair ever. Actually, she was one of those irritatingly flawless girls. I now want my hair to grow! (I'm wearing extensions in the picture above). I'm going to dye it back to my natural dark blonde/light brown colour :) 

I've been on a massive Hollister WIsh List spree, and now can't wait to go there in the summer. I need so many clothes for 6th Form! :D 

Thursday, 23 June 2011


Numéro Deux

 Welcome to my room:) I'm OCD so its always tidy, and I have a cool clock.
Well, did anyone wait, watching the countdown clock, to find out what Pottermore was? I was so disappointed. It's basically club penguin minus the penguins and plus audio books! MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT.
I think I might be having some kind of mental breakdown apart from this, and the only thing I can think of that would help right now is to buy a pair of matte black Doc Martens and various other clothes that I have seen and wanted on Lookbook. Retail Therapy is all I need, and a job to fuel said therapy.

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Numéro Un

 Hey all:)

This is me. I am Sarah. This blog is going to basically be my mind. I like fashion, inspirational quotes, models, photography, art and maths.

I have far too many thoughts to keep in my head, so I thought why not write the best of them on the internet, for all the world to see.

I have Lookbook, Tumblr and Dailybooth, so please follow me:)
Thankyou! ♥